Today’s entry comes as a request from the Facebook page based on my entry about Whitesnake’s “Slide It In.” The person commented that despite my expert analysis showing that the song was about the act of Whitesnake lead singer David Coverdale inserting his ATM card into the machine, he said it was sexual in nature, supposedly like many other Whitesnake songs. Other people started discussing Slow an’ Easy, so here we are.

Slow an’ Easy by Whitesnake: Some background info?
Just like “Slide It In,” this song comes from the 1984 album entitled Slide It In. Also just like the previously mentioned song, closed minded people can dismiss this one (and, in fact, most of the genre now referred to as “hair metal”) as brainlessly sexual in nature. My analysis of the lyrics reveals that this is clearly not the case. Before I get into my analysis, take a look at the video and see if you can figure out what this song is about.

Slow an’ Easy by Whitesnake: What the lyrics are really about
I want to point your attention to a couple of specific lines in the song:
An’ I got a superstitious mind,
An’ I don’t careSo take me down slow an’ easy.
Make love to me slow an’ easy.
As international music icons, Whitesnake are constantly traveling. As part of their travels, they go through airports on an almost daily basis. If you have ever flown, you surely know that some airports are better than others. Almost all airports have multiple escalators in them and, just like the airports themselves, some are better than others. If you take a look at the video below, you can see what can happen on an escalator if you are unlucky.
The line “So take me down slow an’ easy” is clearly a reference to Mr. Coverdale asking the escalator not to do to him what happened to the people in the video above. The “superstitious mind” refers to the fact that he feels the need to plead with the escalator prior to stepping on and the “make love to me slow an’ easy” refers to the fact that he wants his ride to be a lovely one.
You may think that it ridiculous that this song may be about an escalator, but as evidence that it is possible, consider that Aerosmith did a song about an elevator just a few years after this song came out. There are a lot of songs from this era that are sexual in nature but this is clearly not one of them. The band just wants to arrive safely to each of their gigs and escalator safety plays a large role in accomplishing that. Now that you know the truth, it seems almost preposterous that Whitesnake lyrics could be considered sexual in nature.
Slow an’ Easy by Whitesnake: What are YOUR thoughts?
What do YOU think this song is about? Leave a comment and share your opinion!