Fuck tha Police by N.W.A: A background
Fuck tha Police is a song from what is considered by many to be one of the best N.W.A albums, Straight Outta Compton. In fact, the Straight Outta Compton album contains multiple hit songs and also lends its name to a feature movie as well. Fuck tha Police was written by N.W.A members Ice Cube and MC Ren and came out in the summer of 1988.
It appears that there was a rock group that dominated the music charts in the early 1980s. This group was so dominant that their popularity carried through the latter part of the 80s and even after the group disbanded, some of their members’ solo releases were popular as well. Of course I am referring to The Police. Their Synchronicity album, released in 1983, was so popular that many critics labelled the group as the “biggest in the world.” The Police members, Sting, Andy Summers, and Stewart Copeland went on to have relatively successful solo careers, although they did not reach the levels of success that they did as a band.
Despite their success, not everyone was a fan…not by a longshot. The members of N.W.A apparently disliked them so much that they wrote the song “Fuck tha Police” a few years after the group had broken up. That is kinda like getting fired on your day off, if you ask me. Can you imagine disliking something so bad that you take the effort to diss it after it no longer exists? Well apparently that’s what happened here. Maybe it was because N.W.A never sold as many records as The Police or maybe it was simply because they didn’t like the type of music they put out. After all, their types of music seem to be polar opposites. One must wonder what other bands from the 1980s that they didn’t like as well. Maybe they some type of personal beef with someone from the band, or maybe their management, record label, or road crew. They didn’t have a song called “Rick Astley, Shove it Up Your Ass” so I can’t imagine it would be a dislike towards British acts in general. Perhaps one of The Police songs set them off. Could it have been that one of the guys had an ex-girlfriend named Roxanne and hearing that song triggered flashbacks? Maybe they started losing their mind trying to figure out what the hell “De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da” meant. Or maybe they like to stand close to other people and took the song “Don’t Stand So Close to Me” so personally that they lost their shit over it. No matter the reason, they clearly were not members of their fan club.

Fuck tha Police by N.W.A: A possible alternative meaning.
It is possible that this song expresses N.W.A’s dissatisfaction with law enforcement personnel.
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